07 Jan How To Look Elegant and Classy | Ten Tips On How To Look Posh Classy and Elegant
How To Look Elegant On A Budget|
Is it possible to look classy elegant and classy even when you are on a budget? The short answer is yes. Of course you will have to be savvy about how you invest in certain pieces to maximize your budget. Dressing classy and elegant is not a fashion trend that will go out of style. For that reason alone you should always aim to keep classy pieces in your wardrobe. Some of the most notable fashion icons in history include: Audrey Hepburn, Jacqueline Kennedy, Coco Chanel, and Grace Kelly. In modern day Kerry Washington, Kate Middleton, and Lupita Nyong’o are making their mark in fashion. Each of these women are revered for their posh and elegant style of dress. They always dress exquisitely and often times do so without wearing expensive designer brands. Here are ten tips to guide you on how you can look posh as well.
Get your clothing Tailored
Clothes look chic and elegant when they fit well. So it’s important to buy clothes in the right size. It can be tempting to buy pieces in a different size when they are on sale. However if you chose to do so be sure to get them tailored. The clothing is not worth the price if it doesn’t fit properly. When you want to dress classy on a budget it’s a good idea to get clothes you already own tailored rather than spend money on new pieces. This is the foundation on how to look posh.
Clothes that look expensive but aren’t usually have been tailored. If a garment fits your frame perfectly it will look as if it was made for you. This will give the illusion you spent more money on a custom piece. It’s really the perfect method on how you can make cheap clothes look expensive.
Buy Clothes Made with quality Materials
When you are going for a classy and elegant look its best to buy quality fabric. Some of the best quality fabric for clothes are satin, wool, crepe, and cotton. These are just a few good examples of quality materials. You do not have to spend an arm and a leg on these fabrics. If you are wondering how can I make cheap clothes look expensive. You can buy less expensive options from fast fashion brands. This is the key on how to fake an expensive wardrobe. I have provided pictures of a few great options below. A good rule of thumb when selecting clothes is to consider how well they will wear throughout the day. You want to buy clothes that won’t wrinkle easy, certainly not if you have to wear an outfit for hours.
Material that you should avoid when you want to look elegant is polyester, rayon, and any shiny synthetic fabric. These fabrics are a few things that make you look cheap and they are not the best quality fabric for clothes.
Be sure hemlines are the right Length
Whether you are wearing a skirt, dress, or pants the hemline needs to be an appropriate length. Remember when we were in grade school, and the rules were your skirt needs to be past your finger tips when standing. Well this rule still applies when you want to look classy. Knee length skirts and midi length dresses are the perfect choices for this style. If you wear a skirt or dress that has a split you also want to make sure it is not to high. The split should not go any higher than three inches above the knee if you want to keep it classy.
Pants should hit you at the ankle or an inch above the heel of your shoe. Never let your pants drag the ground. When your pants drag the ground they end up with rips, tears and frayed fabric. A great way to prevent this is to go to your tailor and bring the shoes you plan to wear most often with the pants. Have your tailor hem the pant to fall an inch above the heel of your shoe.
Less Is More when it comes to ACCESSORIES
Simplicity is key when you want an elegant look, so it’s best to keep accessories to a minimum. A good rule of thumb is no more than three or four accessories. You can certainly layer your accessories and still look elegant. Coco Chanel created the look of layering necklaces. But she kept the accessories everywhere else to a minimum. So if you choose to wear two layered necklaces then opt for a simple stud earring. If you layer your bracelets then only wear one belt and a pair of earrings without a necklace. By limiting your accessories you allow key pieces to be appreciated more.
One thing to note is you don’t have to wear expensive jewelry to look posh. Coco Chanel ditched her diamonds in favor of inexpensive costume jewelry. So don’t feel like your accessories need to be pearls or diamonds to look classy. You can wear simple costume jewelry. This is a great method in how to dress classy on a budget.
Shoes Should Always Have The Heel Taps On
I know you’re thinking of course my shoes should be well kept, I already know this. Well by this I don’t just mean clean. Your shoes should fit and have the heel taps on. If you are wearing heels the metal should not be exposed on the heel. Always be sure to get your heel taps replaced. If the metal is exposed and making a scratching noise with each step you know its time to get them fixed. Also make sure your shoes have a heel height you can walk in comfortably. If your ankles roll over when you walk then the heel is to high. You don’t want people to focus on how you’re walking in your shoes rather than how amazing your outfit is.
Wear Neutrals and Rich Tones
You can never go wrong with wearing neutral colors. They really look great on everyone and pair well with many textures. When you want a classy look pair a neutral top with a bottom more rich in color or vice versa. For example a nude blouse with a burgundy bottom works well. Another great option is a deep green blouse with an ivory pant.
Clothing in deeper colors tends to “read” more expensive than clothing in lighter colors. The reason for this could stem back from the times when monarchies were prevalent. Royals used to wear clothing in very rich tones that signified their status. Generally dark purples, blues, reds, and deep greens were colors used to making clothes for royalty. Back in these times it was very expensive to make clothing because of the labor and amount of time it took to make one piece. Fabric in these deep hues was often shipped from foreign lands and very high cost. The average person couldn’t afford these types of fabrics. So it may be that in modern times when we see these deeper hues we still associate it with a higher cost.
Choose one statement piece
A great outfit should have one statement piece. Choose one key element you want to highlight in your look. This could be a belt, necklace, handbag, shoes or earrings. You just want to make sure whatever you choose as your statement piece is the only item that is being highlighted in your outfit. Everything else you are wearing should be simple.
This rule goes for logos as well. If you wear an item with a large logo on display make sure its the only place the logo is visible. You don’t want to wear pieces with multiple logos that are prominent. There is nothing wrong with wearing a logo. But it starts to look pretentious if you have to many logos displayed in each piece you have on.
Perfect Posture Please
As Lorna Landvik says, “Good posture and an attitude let you get away with anything”. You will look more classy and elegant if you wear your clothes with great posture. Standing straight with your shoulders back will instantly elevate your look. It won’t do you any good to wear an amazing outfit and hunch over while you stand. There is a reason why etiquette schools stress the importance of perfect posture. Great posture simply makes you look more graceful and refined. It also allows people to really appreciate the way your clothing drapes your frame. It’s essential on how to look posh.
Grooming should look natural
When it comes to makeup, hair, and nails a natural look is best. Classy style is all about understated elegance, and there is no better way to achieve this than by keeping your grooming simple. A great way to wear your hair is away from your face. When your hair is pulled back your facial features are more prominent. This allows people to “take you in” and focus more on you rather than just your clothes. The perfect hair styles for a posh look are a simple low ponytail or bun. These styles are both effortless, chic, and don’t require any high maintenance.
Makeup should compliment your natural features. Even though it’s trendy you don’t want to wear very heavy foundation with over contoured cheekbones. If you want to look classy and elegant apply a foundation that is light coverage. Also try to avoid over contouring. Stick with a simple blush and bronzer. You also want to leave your brows looking at natural as possible. Try not to over arch them or draw them on to heavy.
Your nails should be nicely manicured. You want to avoid very long nails that are over embellished. Nail polish should be in colors that are neutral and don’t clash with your outfit. This is key in how to look posh.
confidence Is Key
Confidence is the best thing you can wear you want to dress classy and elegant on a budget. Have you ever noticed how someone can wear something you would never dare to wear, but yet they look so confident in it that it makes you want to wear it to. It’s the confidence that draws your attention not necessarily the clothes. You want your confidence to be what people notice before they take in your outfit. You look classy and elegant even on a budget if confidence is the foundation of your outfit.
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